Irvine Spectrum Employer Services

Spectrumotion’s services include personalized assistance to Irvine Spectrum Area employers who want to showcase different rideshare options for their employees to get to work. Whether some of your workforce is working from home, or you have some employees who are commuting into the office, Spectrumotion is an employee benefit your employees can take advantage of, free of charge. Please see the list of our employer services from the menu below.

Spectrumotion Explained
Is My Office in the Irvine Spectrum Area?


Events & Promotions

Spectrumotion offers onsite and virtual events, and 1:1 video chats to make promoting rideshare to your Irvine Spectrum worksite as easy as possible.  Events allow our staff to answer any commute-related questions your employees have. We also bring freebies and other treats! We can also participate in health and benefits, and other vendor fairs.

Rideshare Marketing Materials

Spectrumotion has specially designed print and digital marketing materials for your new hire packets, breakrooms, intranets, and other spaces (virtual or onsite) you use to reach your employees. We can create rideshare marketing materials specific to your company as well.

SCAQMD Emission Reduction Plan Preparation

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) requires employers of 250 or more to file an Emission Reduction Plan. The trained professionals at Spectrumotion are experts in this process and have completed hundreds of plans. We can complete your plan and advise you on the most cost-effective method of complying with these complex regulations.


Vanpool Formation Assistance & Incentives

Irvine Spectrum employers who provide vanpools for their employees will find that Spectrumotion can do all the administrative work for them. Please contact our office to get started: 949-727-4273.

Commute Incentives

Many Irvine Spectrum employers provide subsidies to their employees who rideshare with programs like Metrolink's Corporate Partner program and OCTA's Perk Pass, as well as providing federal pre-tax benefits for vanpooling, taking transit, or bicycling to work. We can help employers navigate these programs. 

Spectrumotion even offers new riders a free trial period for certain commute modes and an Emergency Ride Home program that you can offer as part of your company's rideshare incentives.

Rideshare Program Development

Creating an employee rideshare program can be time-consuming. Spectrumotion can help you with that. We'll help you develop a rideshare program for your worksite, including incentives, and monthly tracking and reporting.

Work from Home & Alternative Work Schedules

Our professional staff can assist you in every facet of developing and implementing a telecommuting (work from home) or alternative work schedule program. More and more Irvine Spectrum employers realize the many benefits of these programs. Spectrumotion will act as your consultant to recommend policies, help write employee communications, and generally advise you on what works and what doesn’t.


Interested in Irvine Spectrum area commute options for you, your company or tenants? Fill out the form below. We're happy to help save you time and money!