Irvine Spectrum Aerial

Portions of this return to work guide are excerpted from the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) document, Supporting Commuters Returning to Worksites During Covid-19. We thank them for their generosity in sharing the information.


We are providing this resource for you to use when you resume your commute to work.  Prepared by Spectrumotion staff, and drawing from other leading Transportation Demand Management professionals, our COVID-19 Return to Work Commuter Guide provides recommended practices for managing different commute modes while continuing to support the health and safety of commuters during COVID-19.

This guide is intended to provide you with tips and recommendations that support public health precautions and physical distancing, while encouraging the use of carpooling, public transit, and vanpooling.

Public Health & Safety Reminder

Stay Home If You're Sick
If you are not feeling well, it’s best to either take a sick day or work from home. Always follow the advice of your doctor or healthcare provider.

Maintain Physical Distancing
Keep at least 6 feet apart from others to slow the spread of germs when possible.

Follow Health and Safety Guidelines
Follow CDC, and local state and county guidelines to ensure safe commuting.

Protect Yourself and Others
Masks and/or face coverings should be worn by all commuters.


  • Carpool

  • Public Transit

  • Telecommute

  • Vanpool

  • Bike




  • Protect Yourself and Others

    Wear face coverings while in the vehicle.

  • Limit Carpool Size

    Limit carpools to no more than one person per row of seats to create as much physical distance as possible in the car.

  • Reduce Exposure

    Efforts should be made to ride with the same people each day and avoid “drop in” riders.

  • Limit Physical Contact

    Carpoolers should not have any physical contact with one another and should maintain appropriate physical distancing when entering and exiting the vehicle. Require passengers to sit diagonally from each other.

Metrolink train



  • Familiarize Yourself With the Schedule

    Visit your transit agency’s website or contact customer service to determine if there are any changes to your route or schedule.

  • Follow Signs and Regulations

    Vehicles may have restricted seating to ensure physical distancing. Be sure to adhere to those guidelines.

  • Be Flexible and Patient

    Because of the requirements for social distancing, you may not be able to ride or board a bus. Be mindful of that when making your commute.




  • Communication

    Combat feelings of isolation by leveraging communication tools to connect with your manager and teammates. Use existing technologies to chat, email, and video conference often.

  • Schedules

    Establishing a consistent routine is key. Employees should maintain regular work periods. Share progress updates internally to increase productivity and complete work on time.

  • Stay Active

    When you travel to the workplace every day, you are likely walking from the train station or walking to lunch. Be sure to incorporate a home workout or walk around the block into your day.

  • Change Your Environment

    A change of environment within your home workspace can keep you energized and productive throughout the day. Move to a different desk or play music you might hear in your company lobby or in the elevator.

  • Plan, But Be Flexible

    If schools and businesses close and you are not alone in your house, plan to take shifts for childcare and adjust your work schedule as needed. Setting clear expectations for work and home will be important.

Protect Yourself and Others: Wear face coverings while in the vehicle.



  • Protect Yourself and Others

    Wear protective equipment while in the van and around other passengers.

  • Keep Surfaces Clean

    Regularly clean surfaces inside the vehicle, including keys, steering wheel, center console, cup holders, gear shift, door handles and panels.

  • Follow Good Hygiene

    Wash hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol as soon as possible after leaving the van.

Bike to Work



  • Get Prepared

    Visit your local bike shop, which is an essential business, and get yourself and your bike geared up. There is also a bounty of helpful DIY videos available on the internet. Check out the Smart Cycling series on the League of American Bicyclists website which can help you understand how to ride safely, improve comfort, find the right bike and gear, and know your rights as a bicyclist.

  • Practice Your Route

    If you are new to bike commuting, use this opportunity to practice riding your route. Use Google Maps Bicycle Directions to plan your route. Then try it, and if it doesn’t feel right, try another route option. There are often multiple options to choose from. Some may take a little bit longer but could be much more comfortable with less car traffic. Check with your local bike coalition or regional bike map for assistance.

  • Allow Extra Time

    Leave additional time in your commute; you may unexpectedly have to wait your turn to park your bike or shower if other employees are arriving at the workplace at the same time.

  • Practice Good Hygiene

    Protect yourself and others by wearing face coverings while at your workplace. Bring your own hand sanitizer, soap/shampoo, shower sandals and towels if you shower at work. If you use shared DIY tools in a bike room, be sure to wash your hands afterwards.


Emergency Ride Home
Spectrumotion provides an Emergency Ride Home program to ensure employees who rideshare can get home in the event of an emergency or schedule change.

Rideshare Incentives
We offer rideshare incentives to encourage Irvine Spectrum Area commuters who currently drive alone to try ridesharing.



City of Irvine: COVID-19 Resources for Business and Residents

Greater Irvine Chamber of Commerce Business Recovery and Reentry Resources

ACT: Information and Resources to Promote Safe Commuting During COVID-19
Updated May 21, 2020.

Commute with Enterprise COVID-19

Google Maps Adding Pandemic Critical Information for Commuters

Lyft COVID-19 Safety

Metrolink Trains Safety and Security Measures

Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) COVID-19 Safety Guidelines and Operations Update

Waze Carpool


Interested in Irvine Spectrum area commute options for you, your company or tenants? Fill out the form below. We're happy to help save you time and money!